(Vorbereitungslehrgang HWK)

1.256,30  incl. 19% statutory value added tax

Module 1: 09.03.2025, 09:00 - approx. 14:00 (online)
Module 2: 16.03.2025, 09:00 - approx. 14:00 (online)
Module 3: 23.03.2025, 09:00 - approx. 14:00 (online)

Teilnehmer erwerben zukunftsweisende und wissenschaftlich fundierte Kenntnisse zu Haut, Hautkrankheiten und deren Behandlung. Sie lassen sich auf die Handwerkskammer-Prüfung zum Cosmeceutiker vorbereiten. Diese Vorbereitung bietet alleine die enhance! academy.

In stock

Item number: CVL1-250309 Category:


Sprache: Deutsch
Ort: Deutschland (staatlich anerkannt)
Durchführung: Webinar
Zeitraum: Monatlich
Dauer: 3 Tage in 3 Wochen je 3-5 Stunden
Kosten: 1.495 Euro (inkl. 19% gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer), Buchung durch Unternehmen für die Teilnehmenden, exkl. Prüfungsgebühren der jeweiligen HWK
Abschluss: Teilnahmebestätigung

Aims of the certificate course

The cosmeceutical webinar teaches the latest methods and applications for recognizing and successfully treating the skin diseases mentioned.
Case studies and group exercises as well as interactive exchange with Germany's top experts in cosmeceutics as lecturers create a workshop atmosphere with high practical relevance. The results can be applied directly in professional activities.
Based on the specifications for the content and design of the webinar, active participants are prepared for successful completion of a Chamber of Crafts exam. If they pass this exam, they also have the opportunity to obtain the "Dermatocosmetician according to HYPOGEN CARE" certificate with little effort via a follow-up short course.


The training essentially comprises the following content:
- Medical-cosmetic contact with customers (5%)
- Structure and functions of human skin and hair (15%)
- Neurodermatitis: causes, symptoms, manifestations & treatment (15%)
- Psoriasis: Causes, symptoms, manifestations & treatment (15%)
- Contact dermatitis: causes, symptoms, manifestations & treatment (15%)
- Acne: Causes, symptoms, manifestations & treatment (15%)
- Other skin diseases and allergies (5%)
- Cosmeceuticals: modes of action, ingredients, the salon professional portfolio, the consumer portfolio (5%)