Professional salon hair treatment (HYPOGEN CARE basic course)

475,00  incl. 19% statutory value added tax

Modul 1: 06.12.2024, 20:00 – ca. 22:00 Uhr (online)

Sold out

Artikelnummer: HHCB-241206 Kategorie:


Sprache: Deutsch
Ort: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
Durchführung: Webinar
Zeitraum: Monatlich
Dauer: ca. 2 Stunden, keine Prüfung
Kosten: 475 Euro (inkl. 19% gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer)
Abschluss: Zertifikat

Aims of the certificate course

The basic course provides training in the use of all HYPOGEN CARE professional cosmeceuticals. This is a sufficient basis to be able to immediately implement a hypoallergenic working method in the salon and, in particular, to be able to correctly deal with sensitization, allergies and skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis, neurodermatitis and contact eczema.


The training essentially comprises the following content:

  • Structure and functions of human skin and hair (10%)
  • Practical handling of HYPOGEN CARE and HYPOGEN CARE professional products (45%)
  • Medical-cosmetic contact with customers (15%)
  • Symptom theory, in particular allergies, sensitization and dermatoses (30%)